halloween-ish home tour
Hey boys and ghouls- can you believe it's the middle of October already?!
Can you believe I'm planning out my Christmas decor already? Ha! But seriously, I am.
Don't worry though, today's post is not about Christmas or winter or any such something.
I thought today I'd give you a little tour of our home in it's fall finery.
I think of it as the Christmas dress rehearsal ๐
I have a few more things to add to the front porch, but I won't be doing that until the week of Halloween. If it works like I'm hoping it will, I'll share that with you then.
For now, I'll try not to be too wordy and let the pics speak for themselves.
I grabbed this square wreath at Canadian Tire on sale after Christmas. It's a faux Magnolia, and I added in the Halloweenie bits. The white pumpkins are clip on ones from the dollar store (they were orange and I painted them white), the black picks and spiders are from Michael's. I just tucked them in and they've stayed nicely. The Creepin' it Real banner, I also made myself. The spider webs are real webs supplied by the numerous spiders that live here.
Can I take a second to love on my little lightbox? I love words and letters- I have a letter board too. I don't care, I love it all. It spreads my hilarity all through the house.
I gussied up my old print again. He is living his best life now that he lives here. First pumpkin spice lattes, now vampire diaries.
My kids thought ONE SNICKERS was enough.
Silly children, one Snickers is NEVER enough.
Last year, I had a pile of white pumpkins on my table- which we had to move every time we ate. This year, I kept it simple with a vintage wood bowl full of faux gourds.
Yes, I was listening to Thriller. No, I was not wearing a white glove.
These are my little DIY drippy paint pumpkins.
Step 1- go to the dollar store and buy some faux pumpkins
Step 2- buy some craft paint- whatever colours you like
Step 3- pour the paint on the top of the pumpkin and turn the pumpkin a little to get drips to run down the sides
Step 4- let it dry
Step 5- stand back and appreciate your awesome crafting skills
I love this crazy wood circle. My dad made it with his crafty- and what some might find dangerous- skills. It is water and electrical currents. I'm not giving you a DIY on it, cause I don't want to be sued.
My photo gallery got spooky too. I grabbed some old time-y photos that change from the dollar store and added them to come of my frames. And then I made some construction paper masks for our big family photo. Throw up some paper bats, candles and and stripey little wreath- it's boo-tiful.